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Summer 2025

We are happy to let you know that the Environment and Sustainability Studies Program and the Sabin Center for Environment and Sustainability have once again partnered together to provide a limited number of Summer Environmental Fellowships to support students involved in summer endeavors, including research or internships (either unpaid or partially unpaid) related to sustainability and/or the environment.  These endeavors may be creative and innovative in nature or research-centered (or both), and internships may be in either for-profit or not-for-profit organizations.  Internships should be 20-40 hours/week for 5-10 weeks.  Research agendas should be roughly the same.  We typically provide stipends to support student travel and living expenses, but we entertain other expenses associated with student research projects as well.  You do not need to be an ENV major or minor to apply.To apply, complete the online application form linked here (this is a pretty easy application form!), and be sure to upload a resume/CV and a detailed budget.  Applications should be received no later than February 24, 2025 by 5:00 p.m.  Please contact Dr. Velásquez Runk ( with any questions. 

Please feel free to share this email with anyone who might be interested. 

Student Research