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As we wind down the summer and prepare to begin the 2024-2025 academic year, we are happy to welcome three new faculty members to the ENV team and send off Dr. Sames on new adventures.

Dr. Leslie Straker has joined us from the WFU Graduate Program in Sustainability.  He has coastal expertise in natural and social sciences and has also worked for government.  This fall he will teach Environmental Issues and Leadership for Sustainability.

Dr. Ovidiu Csillik has moved from California and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at California Institute of Technology.  He researches on forest and ecosystem changes through remote sensing of the environment.  This fall he will teach Remote Sensing and Environmental Issues.

Dr. Lindy Westenhoff comes to us from the University of Tennessee.  Her research and teaching have been on human landscapes, lived experience, and augmented reality.  This fall she will teach Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Finally, visiting professor Dr. Amanda Sames has returned to her home state of Minnesota and a new position at Carleton College.  We are thrilled for her and so happy to have benefitted from her teaching in leadership and food classes this last year.

We look forward to students returning to campus so that together we can welcome our new faculty!

Categories: Department News
